Encyclopedic Dictionary of Linguistics is an extension project started in 2021, which aims to meet the demand of thousands of students and teachers of Languages/Linguistics, and professionals from different areas for a free and quality digital material on the main concepts, theories and terms of the science of language.
The proposal is to publish a linguistics dictionary in whose entries, written by specialists in each subtopic, the concepts are presented in depth.
The project will be developed in several stages:
- Planning
- Technological resource development
- Production
- Publication
As this is an encyclopedic dictionary of a broad science such as Linguistics, all the volumes and entries will not be published at once.
For the task, a broad group of collaborators will be formed: volume coordinators, authors of the entries and a technical team that will eventually involve not only professors from the Department of Vernacular Letters-UFC, but colleagues from other Departments and from other universities.